Tuesday 27 October 2009

Fall Back!

With the clocks going back last weekend, and Autumn definately with us, we want to see your ATC's using Autumn colours. This is our last week, and we would love to have a you all join us for one last time...so that we can go out with a BANG!

Didi (GDT)





We would like to say a huge "Thank You" to everyone for joining in with the challenges over the last 18 months. We hope to see you all around Blogland.


Leah l'Orange said...

i will miss your blog! but in honour of the wonderful challenges you've brought us over the last 18 months, i wanted to do your final challenge...

my fall ATC can be found HERE.

good luck to all of you, and thank you for the fun!

Cath said...

Merci pour ce joli challenge... Voici mon ATC aux couleurs de l'automne http://lacarterine.canalblog.com/archives/2009/10/29/15609176.html
Merci de votre visite et bonne continuation
xx Cath

Diffirent Shades Of Life said...

Sorry I have missed the final challenge, with health probs an family dramas an a wedding I have barely had time to do anything., but I have posted a card on my blog made with a recent T&F ATC, as a tribute. So I want to thank you all so much for a gorgeous blog an I will really miss the challenges every week and have been honoured to be part of the Design Team.
Cheers to Tilda & Friends,
hugs always
Sue x

Mette said...

Hello ladies

Just managed to make your last ever challenge and I am so pleased I did. Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration.

Please look here http://danishstamper.blogspot.com/2009/11/tilda-and-frinds.html

Hugs, Mette

Jenny S. (UK) said...

Just a quick visit and sorry this is your last. Here is my first and last for you. :(

Nishant said...

good luck to all of you,
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shamraiz said...

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Greak said...

Absolutely gorgeous, love the sweet image and pretty details.